Thursday, December 15, 2011

14 miles and I'm off!

Hello blogworld,

This is going to be a quick post, but I have some things to share with you all.

First off, I think I figured out the solution to my running rut. I joined a local women's fitness center that focuses on functional strength, resistant training, and circuits. I'm not sure if I'll be a lifelong member just because it's pretty pricey. I was able to snag a good deal for a month, though, because they have this introductory trial offer going on. My membership includes unlimited use of the facilities, unlimited small group training sessions, a fitness consultation, and three free personal training sessions.

I love suspension training! 

I've gone to a few sessions already, and I love it!

I was actually planning on going today.

My plan was to pop out for a quick three mile run and then go to one of the easier circuit classes the fitness center offers. They offer two different kinds of classes. Both are circuit based, but one moves a lot quicker and has a lot more circuits. The easier one has less circuits and more rest time. Both sessions end with a good foam rolling session. Let me just say, I love the foam roller already!

Anyways, I set off on my run this morning, intending to do three miles. I didn't bring my garmin with me because it's been acting funny lately, and sometimes I don't like wearing it because it makes me feel pressure to keep my pace up.

About twenty five minutes into my run, I decided I wanted to keep running.

So I did.

And then I ran some more.

And some more.

By this time, I knew I wasn't going to go to the class. I would be cutting it close time wise and probably exhausted by the time I got there.

So I kept running.

I took the long road. 

I toyed with the idea in my head of running farther that I ever have before.

I didn't have my garmin, but I ran for about 2 hours and 15 minutes!

I'm guessing I ran over 14 miles. Maybe even 15.

The longest I had run prior to this was 13.1 for my half marathon.

Go me!

I have to say I'm feeling a little blah right now because I didn't have any fuel with me on my run. (I wasn't planning on running that long).

I'm going to go shower, eat lunch (a big one), finish packing, do a bit of shopping and then leave for this place.........

Vegas baby!!!!!

My friend and I are also hitting up some other places, but you'll just have to wait until I get back to find out where : )

What's the farthest you've ever ran?
Do you ever turn a run into a long run on a whim!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Running Rut

Hey everybody! How is everyone?

I know I haven't posted in a while, but I hope everyone is getting into the holiday spirit and surviving finals or the final days of work before the holidays!

Despite all the stress of exams, getting ready for my trip to Vegas, and prepping for student teaching, I'm definitely getting into the holiday spirit.

Holiday music is blasting from my car's speakers pretty much whenever I'm driving. It drives my friends insane. I love it, though!

I love the holidays!

Anyways, today I just wanted to quickly talk about how I feel like I'm in a rut with running.

A picture of me from my half marathon

It is well known that running is my go to sport. Running is my exercise form of choice.

I love pounding the pavement, breathing in the early morning air, losing myself in the beat of the music, getting into a rhythm, and enjoying the famous runner's high.

As much as I love running, though, I know it can't be the only form of exercise I participate in. Running everyday burns a person out and doesn't work all of the muscles.

This summer, I had a great relationship with running. I would run about four days a week, weight lift two, and go on a bike ride or rest a day, while occasionally going on a long hike. I was also busy running around with kiddos at summer camp all day long. Although I was very active, I mixed up my exercise activities, never felt burnt out, or in a rut of sorts.

However, since the weather has gotten colder, I find myself running about six days a week. I also do Bikram Yoga about once a week or once every other week.

For example, here is a look at my activity over the past week and a half:

Wednesday: 5 mile run
Thursday: 90 minute Bikram yoga
Friday: 10 mile run
Saturday: 4 mile run with my puppy!
Sunday: 3 mile run
Monday: 6 mile run
Tuesday: 4 mil run
Wednesday: 4 mile run
Thursday (today): 11 mile run

I know I need to change this up, but I'm not sure how. I used to belong to a gym, but with my busy schedule, I had a hard time making time to go or just motivating myself to go. I can use my school's gym, but during the school year, it is always way too crowded, and during breaks, it has very limited hours.

I'm not really sure where I am going here, but I just thought that maybe admitting to myself on this blog that I'm running too much and doing too little cross training and weight lifting is a step in the right direction. I also know I need to force myself to take rest days as well. Tuesdays are usually my rest days, but my schedule has been a little bit different lately, so I haven't been sticking to resting on these days.

Okay, well I'm off to refuel after my long run, head to work, and then finish up a research paper.

One week until Vegas!

How do you get out of a running rut? 
Do you love the holidays?
How do you force yourself to take rest days? 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Learning to Love Alone Time

Before I delve into this post, I wanted to mention the snow. Snow?!?!? Yes, snow. I really shouldn't be that surprised seeing that I live in New England after all, but this morning, I woke up to about six inches of white stuff on the ground. Yuck.

I had planned to go for a run, but I guess an a quick home work out will have to do. Usually, I join a local gym for the winter, but I haven't done so yet. When it's nice out, I spend a majority of my days exercising outside in the beautiful air. And, on the occasional day, I'll use the school gym. However, seeing that it is school break, the gym is One positive thing positive about this snow is that it is teaching me to be flexible. Flexibility is key in life! I did a 10 mile run on Monday and a recovery run yesterday. I really don't even need to run today.

Anyways, today I wanted to talk about being in spending time by yourself. To be honest, I hate to spend time alone. There was a time in my life (just a few years back) when I craved alone time. I would cancel plans, lie about plans, and not make plans just so I could spend hours by myself of with close family members. Why you ask...? Well, because I was in the depths of my eating disorder. Since then, I've realized that Ed was the one who wanted the alone time. He wanted me to be alone, so I could have complete control over my food choices and I didn't have to deal with anything outside of my control.

For the past couple years that I have been recovering, I've hated alone time. My mind shift has taken a complete 180 degree spin. I now try to avoid alone time because I associate it with Ed. I plan my day, so I see people often and only have short periods of time to myself. Although it's good that I'm so social, it makes for a pretty hectic life sometimes. And the truth is, you can't avoid time with yourself.

Take today for instance, I really have nothing to do this morning, and seeing that it's super snowy outside, I probably won't venture far from myself. My brain immediately tries to send me into a panic. ALONE!?!?! What are you going to do with a whole morning to yourself??!? One thing I've learned, though, is that alone time is okay and even necessary. Although I hate being by myself, I need to spend time by myself sometimes and learn that Ed can't get me.

So, I believe I'm going to spend the morning relaxing by myself, do a quick home workout, maybe go to barnes and noble with a friend, and then spend the evening out to dinner with the family, and shopping for tomorrow's turkey day feast!

Do you enjoy alone time? 
Any big plans for Thanksgiving? 
Any good at home workouts? 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Upcoming Excitement!

Hi everyone,

I don't have time to do a super long post, but I just wanted to let you know about two big updates in my life.

Well, actually I don't have huge updates, but I have two very exciting things planned for the next few months!

Next month, I'm going to Vegas with one of my best friends.

Don't worry, I won't be gambling. I just want to see the sights!

We decided we wanted to go somewhere over winter break, and Vegas's low price tag made it a winner.


I signed up for my second half marathon.

In february, I'll be heading to Florida with my mom to participate in the Disney Princess Half Marathon!!!!

I'm so excited to run with the princesses.

Although traveling pushes me out of my comfort zone and causes me some anxiety, I love going new places, experiencing new things, and setting new goals for myself. I can't wait to tell you about both of these adventures.

Any exciting plans in your near future?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Exceeding Expectations

I just finished my first half marathon!

Not only did I finish and meet my goal, I demolished it.

Let me preface this by saying, I'm really not that fast of a runner. I love to run, and I love following all the bloggers who are crazy fast, but on a regular day, my splits tend to be in the mid 9:30s, especially on a distance run. On short runs and races, I can usually get my splits into the mid 8:00s, but I'm pushing it.

Given my turtle speed as a runner, I was hoping to finish the marathon somewhere in between 2:05-2:10. The course, although beautiful, was super hilly, so I wanted to give myself some extra time to get up those hills.

At the start of the race today, I tried to pace myself. In shorter races, I usually go out too fast and end up being winded by the end of the race. Although I usually feel like I want to collapse towards the end, I can push through because in  a 5k and 10k, if you are feeling breathless half way through, you only have 1.5-3 miles left to go. In a half marathon, though, if I you go out to fast in the first few miles, you have ummmm....10 miles left!

Despite my best efforts to keep my pace under control, I got caught up in the wave of runners, and my first split was around 8:40. I tried to pace myself over the next few miles, but my legs wouldn't let me. No matter how much I tried to control my pace, my splits kept hovering between 8:00-8:50.

Although I was worried I would burn out, I DIDN"T!!!!

I finished my first half marathon in 1:52 minutes! (That's my unofficial time; I'll update you all with the official time once it's posted.

More pictures to come soon!!!

I'm so happy I pushed myself so hard in my training and was able to excel in my race!

What made the race even better was the fact that not only my parents but my three best friends were there to cheer me on!

I think I've caught the half marathon bug! I'm ready for my next!!

Do you ever exceed your expectations?
How was your weekend?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

No Music!!!

Hello blog world,

I'm just popping in quickly because...well....


Like seriously......

I just found out the half marathon I'm running this weekend doesn't allow the use of earbuds.

How am I supposed to run 13.1 miles without music?

I always run with music. It pushes me. It motivates me. It allows me to zone out.

Okay, I'll stop complaining and suck it up.

Some suggestions about how to run without music, though, would be greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Last Long Run!

This morning, I whipped out my last long run before the half marathon!

12 miles!!!! I did a 13.1 mile run almost a month ago, but I think 12 miles is plenty a little over a week before my half marathon.

To reward myself for all my hard work, I purchased myself one of these little babies:

I have been running with my iPhone, but it's so bulky, 
and I'm sick of wearing an armband or having to buy shorts
with an interior pocket. 

I also refueled with some Starbucks treats!

Spinach, egg white, and feta wrap

Caramel Frappuccino-Sorry about the crappy image

I had dinner at Panera with two friends too!

Okay, well I'm off to finish off some work and hit the hey. I have to get up bright and early for my internship tomorrow.

What did you accomplish today?

Monday, October 24, 2011

13 DAY!

Hi all, 

I'm super busy with school and life in general at the moment, but I just wanted to pop into to say, I'm running my first half marathon in 13 days. 

13 DAYS UNTIL 13.1!


Any taper tips? 
Have other people gotten really nervous as the big day approached? I'm getting nervous already : /

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Difference Between Short and Long Runs!

Hello everyone,

Happy Friday!

Before I delve into today's topic, I just wanted to let you know that the haunted corn maze I talked about last weekend was legit the scariest halloween/haunted house attraction I have ever been through! I was like legit about to cry in parts. I had a great time, though. Traveling to a small Vermont town, going out to dinner, and completing a fall-ish touristy activity with two of my best friends was a great way to spend a Saturday night.

Anyways, this morning I wanted to share with you some of my thoughts on how the distance of the run affects my perception of it....if that makes any sense at all...??? I hope it does.

Basically, I classify my runs into two categories: 1) Short runs 2) Long runs.

While my definitions of short and long runs have changed as I've become a better runner and dedicated my self to long distance running, I currently consider a short run to be between 3-5 miles and a long run is anything over 7 miles. So far, I have run up to 13 miles, so I guess a long run is currently between 7-13 miles. I know I left out 6 miles, but I'm not really sure in what category to place it. Sorry 6...I don't mean to make you feel excluded.

Anyways, when I plan a short run into my schedule, I really don't stress about it much. I think about a time I'm going to do it (usually in the morning) and never doubt my abilities to complete the run or dread it. I know I can crank a short run out in around 30 minutes, so it's no big deal in my mind. However, when ever I have a run on my schedule that is over 7 miles, I put so much mental energy into just thinking about it. In other words, I worry about it. I think things like.... Oh, I better go to bed early, so I can get up early and have time to mentally prepare myself for my long run. I better not plan anything in the hours immediately after my run because what if I can't finish it, I have to walk, and it takes me longer??? The worrying never ends.

Okay, this is where things get a little complicated. At least I don't understand it...

Although I worry about long runs and not short runs, I actually enjoy long runs a lot more. Well, the first few miles of any long run sucks, but after I get over that initial hump, I often feel like I can run forever. I also clear my head, get into a rhythm, and just experience a true sense of freedom. When I ran my 13 mile run a couple weeks ago, I was literally shouting out loud in glee (I'm not kidding) between the miles of 10 and 13. In other words, I rarely don't enjoy a long run.

However, I almost never enjoy short runs while I am running them. Once they are over, I'm glad to say I did them and feel good, but during the actual run itself, I'm constantly checking my milage and the time on my watch, wondering when my run is going to be over. I never get into a rhythm into these runs.

So, I'm not really sure where I am going with this....I guess I'm just confused as to why I dread long runs so much when I actually really love them! I should look forward to these runs and not fear and worry about them.

What are your thoughts on this? What's your relationship with short and long runs? 
Any ideas to deal with run anxiety? 
What are you doing this weekend?

Friday, October 7, 2011

Bikram Yoga and a Tough Run!

Hello everyone and happy Friday!

I'm running short on time, but I just wanted to pop into say hello.


Anyways, I wanted to let you all know that I went to my first Bikram yoga class last night. Although I have been to many yoga classes in the past and used to do it regularly, this was my first Bikram yoga class. It was very intense, but in a different way than I thought it would be. I found that the poses weren't as difficult as ones I've done in power yoga or similar classes. However, the heat made everything seem 10x harder! One of my friends convinced me to go, and I'm glad I did! I felt like I really stretched my muscles out. Additionally, I think the class teaches patience and mental stamina which is super important for a distance runner like me. : )

This isn't me...I don't think I'm quite that graceful..haha

This morning I completed my first long run since my 13.1 mile run last weekend. Before I get into it, here's a recap of my runs and fitness activities over the last week.

Saturday: At home strength and stretching (I was going to run, but it was pouring, and I didn't have time to go to the gym)
Sunday: 13.11 mile run!
Monday: 3 mile recovery run
Tuesday: Rest!
Wednesday: 5.5 mile run
Thursday: 3 mile early morning run and Bikram yoga
Friday: 9 mile run

I'm not going to lie; this run was rather difficult, especially towards the end. Even though I got 9 hours of sleep last night, I was still pretty tired this morning and had to push myself out the door. Once I got running, I felt great still didn't want to go very far. However, once I got past the 3 or 4 mile point, I felt fine until I got to about mile 7. Here, my legs started to hurt a bit and feel like bricks. To be honest, I think my legs are still recovering a bit from my unexpected 13.1 mile run on Sunday. Additionally, I think the yoga thrown into my schedule made my legs a wee bit tired as well.

Although it was a hard run, I'm happy I did it, because it gives me confidence
that I can complete my half no matter what! (I just noticed my fluff ball cat in the 
background..Ain't he precious?)

Although my legs were tired, I pushed through because I know it's important that I do at least 1 long run a week to keep me conditioned for my half marathon which is less than a month away. I think I'm going to stay away from long runs until at least next Friday though, to give my legs some more time to recover. I'll probably do one 5 or 6 mile run early next week, but besides that I'm going to stick to short runs, rest, and cross-training.

I'm about to head to work before meeting up with some friends for dinner. Tonight, I'm going to a house party. I haven't been to a house party in a good while, so it should be interesting. I don't really want to "go out" tonight, but I know Ed is playing into that thinking. It's just one night, so I'm going to push myself and do my best to have a good time!

Tomorrow, some friends and I are driving two hours a way to explore one of the biggest corn mazes in the United States. Not only that, but we are doing it at night and they turn the whole cornmaze into a haunted house well...cornmaze. It should be a grand old time!

And on a random note, here's a nice lunch, I enjoyed last weekend:

Whole wheat bagel thin, cheddar cheese, scrambled egg,
carrots, greek yogurt veggie dip, and a 'nanner. Oh, and I
can't forget the ketchup : )

Has anyone tried Bikram yoga? Thoughts?
How do you handle "peaking too soon" in half marathon training? 
What are y'all doing this weekend?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

13.1 Already!?!?!? How'd that happen?

Hello to all of you lovely blogeroos on this chilly and rainy Sunday afternoon! 

First off, I wanted to mention that I had a wonderful time at retreat this weekend with all my lovely sisters! I don't have any pictures at the moment, but I'll post some as soon as I can facebook stalk some of my sisters who remembered to bring cameras. : )

After retreat yesterday, me and a few of my besties stopped at a local cider mill and cheese factory for samples, samples, and more samples. It was a lovely way to end the retreat indeed! I was planning on going for a run when I got home, but seeing that it was pouring and only about 45 degrees outside, I decided to do some at home stretching and strengthening and take a rest day. I'm really glad I did too...I'll explain in a minute. 

Last night, I went to Panera Bread with some friends. It was yummy indeed! I got a thai cafe salad, black bean soup, and a big ol' piece of baguette. The hot soup was perfect for the cold and stormy day. 

Panera bread just opened in my town last week! I'm in love!!
I've been 3 times in the last week. No shame at all. 

Afterwards, I hung out with my friends for a while and then headed out. They all went out last night for round 2 of my friend's 21st birthday celebrations, but honestly, I was too tired to go out. After getting up at the crack of dawn on Thursday for my internship, interning all day with a bunch of 3rd graders, going out Thursday night, getting only a few hours of sleep, running five miles on Friday, staying up late Friday night with all my lovely sisters, and going all day Saturday, I wasn't up for another night out on the town. 

Although I didn't go out, I'm glad I hung around while everyone was getting ready to go out and pre gaming. I had a lot of fun, 100% sober : )

Last night I slept like a baby and didn't wake up until almost 9:00 AM. Note...9:00 AM is sleeping in for me. I'm usually up between 5:30 and 7:30. 

After fueling myself properly with a yummy breakfast, I set off on a run. I was pretty sure I wanted to do a long training run, but I was going to let my legs and energy level dictate how far I ran. I was hoping to do between 9 or 11 miles, but something amazing happened..... 



I ran 13.1 miles!!!!!!!!!

Although I was a little bit tired at the beginning of the run and a wee bit chilly, my legs loosened up quickly and I warmed right up. For the most part, I followed the same loop I did for my 10 mile run last week, but I popped in and out of some neighborhoods and trails to add a little bit of distance. The route I chose was basically comprised of two loops--one big loop and one small loop. If I wasn't feeling the run, I'd opt out of doing the small loop. 

Once I finished the big loop and started tackling the small loop, which is about 2.5 miles, I heard my garmin click. I made a point of not focussing on my garmin for the whole run. About 9 minutes later it clicked again. I was guessing it was going to read 10 miles but too my surprise, it said I went 11 miles. At this point, I was about a mile a way from my house. I knew that my run would be at least 12 miles by the time I got home. 

When I neared my house, I felt great! Like really great, so I made the decision to go an extra mile just to say that I had run 13.1 miles. 

So, I ran 13. 1 miles and I feel great about it although I must admit my hamstrings are a little sore right now. 

The only problem is my half marathon isn't for another month. I know I need to back off a little bit, so I don't burn out before the big day. I think I'm going to continue doing one long run a week until the race but not do anything over 11 miles. I'm not 100% sure yet, but I think my long run schedule may look something like this: 

Week 1: 10 miles

Week 2: 11 miles

Week 3: 10 miles

Week 4: Race 

I would really love some suggestions about how to approach this, though! 

Anyways, I was originally planning on going to an intense power yoga class with a couple of friends today, but after running 13.1 miles, I figured that my body needs a break. Although I would love to stretch out my muscles, power yoga is not what I need right now. 90 minutes of intense yoga would drive me to the ground, so I skipped out on the yoga today. 

Now, I'm about to go get dinner with a friend and then go to my weekly chapter meeting. 

Enjoy the rest of your weekends everyone!

How do you deal with peaking too early when training for a big race? 
Do you ever have unexpected long or good runs?

Friday, September 30, 2011

Under My Skin

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you are all looking forward to a fantastic, fun-filled, fall weekend.

On to today's post topic...

I really hate to be a Debbie-downer, and I really want to try to keep this blog as positive as possible. However, if I'm going to be honest, I've really let Ed get under my skin the past couple days.

Let me explain...

I knew this weekend would involve a lot of drinking and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. It's one of my best friend's 21st Birthdays. This whole school year, I've only got out (to drink) a few times. I've gone through different stages in college and have had different attitudes towards drinking alcohol and the dreaded wasted calories that come along with it.

During the worst of my eating disorder, I never drank. It took too much energy and time and why would I dare waste precious calories on a drink? Ummm...because sometimes it's okay to let go and have fun Kristy!

When I finally truly started recovering from my eating disorder, I went out all the time. I loved the social aspect of going out and really wanted to prove to everyone and myself above all else that Ed did not have control of my life and that I knew how to have fun! Although I have a lot of fun memories from this time, I don't think I was being true to myself. Kristy doesn't like to spend all weekend either drinking or being hung over. Kristy likes to be active, productive, and do other fun stuff. 

This year, I probably go out on average every couple weeks. It's enough to keep my friends off my back....."Come on, you have to have a good time. It's your senior year. You only live once!", and it also gives me plenty of time to do other fun things with my friends (apple picking, movie nights, dinner dates, you name it. And, I hate to admit it, but it keeps Ed happy. If I only go out everyone in a while, there is no way I'll gain weight from the empty calories in alcohol.

So, what does this all have to do with this weekend? Well, I had been planning on going out Thursday (last night) and Saturday night to celebrate my friend's 21st birthday. Last week, though, I unexpectedly went out on a Thursday night. I also had a 9 mile run planned for the next morning.

Even though I drank a good amount, I managed to run not 9 but 10 miles! I told myself that I didn't need to do a long run this week because I have over a month until the half marathon, and I don't need to keep increasing my miles every week. My little legs deserve a rest!

Anyways, last night I did go out for my friend's birthday, and overall, I had a really good time. Here's some pictures from the night to prove it...

So what's the issue? Well, towards the end of the night, I started worrying about how long of a run I was going to do in the morning. I kept thinking thoughts like...

Maybe I can do 11 miles this time. I didn't think I could do 9 miles after drinking last week, and I did 10!

A long run will burn off the alcohol calories!

If I wasn't going out right now, I could go to bed early, eat a healthy and fueling breakfast and crank out a long run! Then I wouldn't have to worry about it next week. 

We were also out pretty late, and I was getting sort of hungry and also wanted to drink a little more. However, I heard Ed's nasty little voice...

It's after midnight, so no, you can't eat anything. 

You went out for dinner and ate a lot. You should not be hungry. 

In retrospect, I really wished I would have just lived in the "here and now" of last night. I really did have a good time, and I wouldn't have missed my friend's birthday for the world, but I'm just mad at myself for inviting Ed along.

This morning, I decided not to do a long run. Although Ed's voice was telling me that I should do a long run, so I don't have to worry about it next week and I could burn off all the alcohol calories, I listened to my body and did a quick five mile long. Truth be told, I could have run longer if my stomach hadn't acted out. I didn't use the bathroom before hand, so I had to go (if you know what I mean). Sorry if that's too much information.

When I initially finished my run, I thought I could have run longer. In other words, Ed started talking again. I told him to SHUT UP, though! I'm sick of his voice. After a long night out and little sleep, I shouldn't be expected to run 10 + miles just because I'm training for a half marathon. I did a longer run last week than I had to, I ran 6 days this last week, and I did a 5 and a 6 mile run this week. That's enough...plenty....I don't need to do a long run.

I know this post is kind of all over the place, but the last thing that has been bugging me is the thought of going out again on Saturday. Originally, I was going to force myself to go out both nights. However, I don't think this is the best idea. I have a busy weekend ahead of me, and I don't think I need to go out just to please my friends and spite Ed.

I went out last night.

Tonight, I'm going to a lovely overnight getaway at a ski lodge with my sorority. I'm so excited for this.

And, on Sunday, I'm going apple picking with a bunch of friends, am planning on going to a hot yoga class, have my weekly sorority meeting, and have homework to get done.

Quite simply, I think going out on Saturday would be more draining than empowering. Although I know Ed may play into this decision a little bit, I have plenty of other reasons not to go out. Also, I'm still going to go to my friend's party and enjoy seeing her and a lot of my other friends. I just don't need to drink and go to the bars until 2am after as well. If I really feel up for it on Saturday then so be it, but I'm not going to force myself to go.

Once again, I'm sorry if this post was all over the place or was kind of negative. I'm really working to shut Ed up and listen to the only voice I ever voice!

What are you up to this weekend? 
Do you ever feel guilty about drinking or not running when you "should"?
Don't you just love Fall? I sure do!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

PDR and a Great Race!

Hello all,

I hope you all had a great weekend! I know I sure did.

Because I need to get to bed, I'm going to give you a quick rundown of my weekend.

Thursday night, I went out to dinner for a friend's birthday. I was planning on going home after, but at the very last minute, I decided to go out. Who am I? I never decide to do things last minute.

I did have a good time, though.

To be honest, one of the main reasons I didn't want to go out was because I had a 9 mile run on the schedule for Friday. I wanted to go to bed early, wake up early, fuel properly, digest a bit, and head out. When I decided to go out and drink, though, I figured I'd move my long run to Saturday. I didn't think I'd be able to run 9 miles on very little sleep with errr....a little bit of a hangover. At the same time, though, I didn't want to delay my run until Saturday and spend all of friday obsessing about the run and thinking about the alcohol calories. I've come a long way in recovery, but I admit it: I'm still very guilty of worrying about alcohol calories.

So what did I do?

I woke up naturally around 8 AM on Friday and decided to give the long run a shot. After inhaling a mini clif bar, straping on my fuel belt equipped with 8 oz of G2 and a GU gel, I set off.

And what happened?

I RAN 10 MILES! I was only scheduled to run 9 miles, but after the first few miles, I felt great and just wanted to keep going. It felt great. It also felt really good to realize that even though everything didn't go according to plan the night before, everything turned out A-OK!

Friday night, I spent the night with two of my favorite chicas watching this little gem:
Hands down, best movie ever! I cry at the end 
every time without fail. 

I slept in Saturday morning, and it felt wonderful. I ate breakfast, relaxed for a bit, and popped out for a 3 mile recovery run.

When I returned, I showered, and headed out with the madre for bagels and some shopping action. I got new shoes! My trusty Asics are going downhill fast.

After shoping with my mama, I quicky assembled a pb&j for dinner because I had to make a 7pm showing of the Lion King 3D! Two of my friends and I went, and it was so much fun. I loved this movie as a kid, and it's safe to say that I still do.
The Circle of Life!

After the movie, my friends and I got some necessary Ben and Jerry's!

Before going to bed last night, I decided to run a 4 mile run through a local apple orchard this morning. It was a last minute decision but a good one indeed!

This morning, I woke up, fueled up, and headed to the orchard with my mom.

How'd the race go?

I'm not going to was tough...super tough! It was hot, muddy, and the terrain was anything but flat. I didn't realize the race was a trail run. I felt really good for the first two miles, but I started fatigue quickly after that. There was a huge hill at the end and it took everything in me to make it up.

I seriously wanted to collapse when I finished. I was happy to find out later, though, that I finished 2nd in my age group! 2nd!?!? I'm really not a super fast runner, and usually place closer to the middle, so I was super happy with the result. I actually finished 20th out of over 80 people. Not bad....not bad at all. No wonder why I was so tired, I was really pushing myself!

After the race, I got to pick a bag of apples! Yay : )

After returning home, I refueled....

and then hit the books. I spent the rest of the afternoon doing homework.

Finally I hosted a dinner for my sorority and then attended a sorority weekend.

As you can see, I had an awesome weekend. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone by making a lot of last minute decisions and going with the flow. I had fun with friends, spent time with my mom, and accomplished two great running-related things!

How was your weekend?
How are you with last minute decisions?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Strange but true

Hello lovely bloggies!

Happy Hump Day to everyone!

Today, I wanted to share some of my weird food addictions with you all. Although I eat a relatively healthy and "normal" diet for the most part, my eats and food habits due veer to the strange side a bit.

So what strange foods am I lovin'?


This is my go to condiment. I use it in massive quantities and put it on food that most people think ketchup doesn't really go with. 

Macaroni, salads with beans or a veggie burger mixed in, pasta, stir fries, shame, no shame. 

Confession: I've actually brought a bottle of ketchup to a fancy pizza place before because I knew they didn't have any. Although I received some stares from people when I whipped the bottle out of my purse, it was definitely worth it. Ketchup makes pizza so much better!


Oh my gosh! I love cinnamon. I put it on peanut butter and honey sandwiches, mix is in with greek yogurt, put it in coffee. I love the warm, spicy kick it gives to foods!

Peanut Butter

I could not live with out this gooey, sticky, deliciousness in a jar. It's safe to say that I eat at least three to four tablespoons of peanut butter a day. I mix it into oats and yogurt, put it in sandwiches and wraps, and  top bagels and toast with it. My pantry is filled with about ten jars of assorted brands and flavors. My favorites include Teddie's smooth and PB & Co. Mighty Maple....yumm!

Chocolate Calcium Chews

Okay, I know, I know....this is more of a supplement than a food, but I love chocolate calcium chews. I take the maximum dose--three per day because I love chewing the chocolate goodness!


Oh Lord, I chew an unhealthy amount of gum. I'm pretty sure I go through more than a pack a day : / I originally started chewing a lot of gum during the worst of my eating disorder. I would chew gum instead of eating to keep hunger at bay. Even though I eat enough food now and try to stick a healthy, well balanced diet, I can't kick the gum habit. My mouth is just always looking for something to do. I would love any tips you all have to start chewing less gum. 

Truvia/Artificial Sweeteners

This is another food (if you can consider it that) I consume too much of. I always mix truvia into greek yogurt. I also sweeten my iced coffee with a few too many splenda packets. I know this stuff isn't good for you, but it is another habit I can't seem to let go of. 


No, I'm not related to Popeye the Sailor, but I sure do love my leafy greens! I love spinach as a base in my salads, as a filler in my sandwich, and as an extra in my pasta. However, I'm not so sure I'll ever jump on the green monster bandwagon. I'm just really picky about not drinking my vegetables. I have mad respect for all of you that drink them daily, though!

There you have it--all my strange food addictions...some healthy....others eerrrr...not so much. 

Before I go, I just wanted to share with you all that I spent all weekend with my sorority doing formal recruitment. We acquired twenty lovely ladies I can now call sisters!! I'll leave you with some pictures from the weekend: )

Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of all our lovely new ladies : (

What are your strange food addictions?
Do you have any tips to kick a chewing gum habit?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Just a Quick Pop-in!

Hey Everybody! Happy, happy Friday!

I'm sorry I've been absent from the blog-world lately. I've just been super busy with classes and sorority recruitment.

I just wanted to say hi to all of you lovely ladies this beautiful (but chilly!) Fall morning and say hi!

I just got back from an 8 mile run! Endorphins are running right now : )

Now, I'm off to work with the kiddos at the after school program for the afternoon.

Then I'll be spending my evening with the sorority for night two of formal recruitment!!

Two thumbs up and a dorky smile for a great 8 mile run. Finished in 
about an hour and 10 minutes, which is pretty fast for me. Note, I'm not
that fast of a runner. Only about a month and a half until the half marathon!!
Have a great weekend everyone!

What are your takes on the Fall weather? Personally, I think Fall is beautiful, but I hate to see summer go. : (
What are you up to this weekend? My weekend is packed with formal recruitment activities!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Who Am I?

First off, I want to take a moment to remember everyone who lost their lives 10 years ago in this terrible attack, 9-11. God bless all of those who lost their lives and all of the families who lost loved ones. You will never be forgotten.

Now, on to today's post.

Who am I?

I'm a runner.

I'm a daughter.

I'm a food lover.

I'm a friend.
And a nutella lover : )

I'm a sister.

I'm a proud mama...well, kind of.

I'm a student.

I'm a preservice teacher.

I'm a goofball. 

I'm a camp counselor and now an assistant director. 

I'm Kristy!

If Ed or any other circumstance in your life has you feeling down or just feeling like you don't measure up, just think about who you are and all the wonderful things you do. 

Now tell me...WHO ARE YOU?!?!? I'm sure you're awesome in every way : )