Sunday, June 6, 2010

I'm still here : )

Hey bloggies and bloggettes,

I'm just checking in to let you all know that I am still here. I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a few days. I have just ben a busy busy bee all week and weekend. I think things will calm down for me this week. I'll try to do a proper post tomorrow. I've got a lot to say and a lot of pictures for your viewing delight.

By the way, I just saw Shrek 4 Happily Ever After, and I must say that it was much better than I expected it to be.

Please forgive me for not posting recently. And yes, 
I know this picture is from Shrek 2. Puss in Boots is much
plumper in Shrek 4....haha

Enjoy your Sunday evenings everyone!

Oh, one more thing before I go: You better all be cheering on the Celtics tonight : )

                                                                    Go Boston!

Okay, I must admit that I'm not a big b-ball fan. However, after enjoying a court-side Celtics game with my pops, I definitely have some invested interest in the guys in the green. 

I'll let you all go now, but seriously, enjoy the rest of your weekends loves!

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