I'm officially writing my first What I Ate Wednesday post. This post is going to be rather short though because I am beyond exhausted and still have two more long days of work to get through. Before I jump into my eats, though, I just wanted to mention my plans for Friday night. After writing up that post, I got a text from a friend inviting me to a pot luck/birthday party Friday night. There was no need to worry about not finding anything to do. Now I need to stop myself from worrying about getting to bed at a decent hour, so I can run Saturday morning and get on with my day or about being too tired to enjoy myself Friday night. I'm not going to think about Friday night until Friday....period!
Anyways, my morning started at the glorious hour of 5AM. I got up, made myself a cup of coffee (unpictured-it was too early for pictures), checked my email, threw my stuff together, and got ready to get out the door to make it to a 6:30 AM staff meeting. Before leaving, however, I managed to find the time to unpack my lunchbox to take some pictures of my packed food for the day. I do apologize for the subpar pictures.
My Vera Bradley Lunch Box
I made it to work in time for my staff meeting and helped lead it since I'm an assistant director this year. Afterwards, I was starving, so I devoured my packed Clif Bar and banana. Once I finished my rather boring breakfast, I was busy checking campers in and informing my counselors of the "game plan" -so to speak-for the day.
Peanut Butter Clif Bar & a 'nanner
Once all the campers were checked in, I took my lunch break bright and early to crank out a 4 mile run. I have to admit that it wasn't my best run. Although I was energized and ready to run, it was already pretty hot by 8:00 AM. I also just felt like I was moving in slow motion. I think I need to give my legs a break. It's hard, though, because I feel obligated to run when I'm scheduled to. And, during the week, I only have 40 minute blocks of time (really less when you consider prepping for a run) to devote to running. Since I have such short blocks of time, I can't run very long or far....thus I feel obligated to run often to get my miles in.
Anyways, after my run, I met my campers down at the pool and gladly jumped in the cold water. My camp takes place at my college's athletic facility, so we use a NCAA pool, which has to be kept on the cold side for all of the beastly swimmers who create heat while swimming their tail ends off. After pool time, I quickly showered.
I spent the next hour or so in the office, taking care of administrative duties. My campers ate snack and went to arts and crafts during this time. Once I got my boring paper work and phone calls out of the way, I got my group together to make a book list of their favorite books. The teacher in me had to make sure all my kiddos are doing some reading this summer. Surprisingly, a lot of them had a lot of good book suggestions, which shows me they love reading!
Okay, I'm rambling. I apologize. Let's move onto lunch.
2 Pita sandwiches-1 with peanut butter and Jelly and
the other with Brown and Brummel spread and cinnamon,
chocolate pudding, and a big old pink lady apple!
All enjoyed in outside in the lovely 90 degree weather. At least we sat in the shade and their was a nice breeze.
After lunch, we played some soccer, and I organized some water games for my campers to cool off. Unfortunately, 7 and 8 year olds take a long time to change and apply sunscreen, so we didn't have much time to actually play the water games. I had to get all my campers ready for edible craft club. They made these pretty awesome (but rather gross looking) bracelets, faces, and random creations out of apples, fruit loops, peanut butter, caramel, twirlers, and skittles. I wish I could have taken some pictures for you all.
Unfortunately, while they were playing with their food, I was busy dealing with a troublesome camper. I did get a chance to have an afternoon snack, though. I had to stay fueled!
Kashi-Fire Roasted Veggie Crackers and some super sweet baby
I ended my work day by putting together field trip packets for my counselors. We are going to the Ben and Jerry's factory tomorrow! I had to break all the campers into groups, make schedules, and figure out logistics and such. I'm super excited for tomorrow!
Once I got home from camp, I showered, packed lunch for tomorrow, and then continued doing some planning for the rest of the camp week.
I just enjoyed this lovely dinner cooked by mi madre!
Pita tacos-2 whole wheat pitas, salsa, Gimme Lean faux ground beef,
and shredded cheddar cheese with a side salad....yum!
Now, I'm going to read a little bit. I'm almost done Handle With Care! Then I'm going to watch Jepordy (my secret obsession), read some blogs, and hit the hay!
Oh, before I go to bed, I'll also nosh on some Chobani vanilla Yogurt, a chocolate Vitatop, and some PB&Co. Mighty Maple Peanut butter. This snack make an appearance almost nightly in this house!
Happy Hump Day everyone!
Please click the little box above the picture to get to the link...I'm trying to figure out how to get the picture to work.)

Please click the little box above the picture to get to the link...I'm trying to figure out how to get the picture to work.)

1) What are some good and easy to-go breakfasts?
2) I don't think I'm linking this What I Ate Wednesday thing right. Any advice?
3) Do any thing special or exciting today?
It took me a while to figure this out in the beginning too -- switch to the HTML tab instead of the regular box you compose your post in, and then paste the code for any button you need to add. Then switch back to the compose tab to finish writing your post! <3 Hope that helps!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the WIAW party shenanigans Kristy! <3 LOVE the idea of pita tacos!
Thanks for the welcome : ) I'm still a little confused about the button, though. I switched to the edit HTML box. When I tried to past the link in, however, nothing showed up...it appeared to be invisible??? I'm kind of technology illiterate...haha
ReplyDeleteOkay so I have done the WIAW 6 weeks now and I am still confused! So I am certainly not helpful lol
ReplyDeleteI love your Vera lunch box btw, super cute :D
My go-to breakfasts are overnight oats (I know not very interesting) or fruit, yogurt and cereal mixed... I can't seem to shake my favorites!
Yum- the pita tacos look great! And I'm with you- I don't understand code stuff at all! When I switched from blogger to wordpress then it was sort of like starting ALL over again... argh! But its worth it in the end! Glad to find your blog- and if you're a Clif fan- you should check out my giveaway today because it has two clifs among some other snacks!